
Discovery Flights and Training

Discovery Ride

Launch to 1,000 feet. Total ride time is 15-20 minutes, depending on soaring conditions and weather permitting. A second takeoff  is offered for no additional charge if soaring is not possible. Rainchecks issued when conditions prevent us from flying.


Glider Add-On for Certificated Pilots


Private Glider


Commercial Glider
Winch Endorsement

Pilots with an existing aerotow or self-launch endorsement who desire a ground launch endorsement. 


Launch Tickets

Bring your own glider and pay $45 per winch launch. 

At present, launch height is limited to 1,000 feet. Because of persistently strong soaring conditions, lift often is available in the immediate vicinity of release, supporting altitude gains of several thousand feet. 

Please contact us several days in advance of bringing your glider to E81. Current airfield configuration allows little room for glider staging and trailer parking. Plans are underway for clearing that will improve our staging and parking areas. 

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